One day society will understand and acknowledge that when you are a mother…

You’re not lazy if you don’t do something straight away;
You’re not a slacker if you don’t do all the things that other people do, the way they do them;
You’re not crazy or needy if you defend your free time like it’s gold;
You’re not weak if you feel physically and mentally tired and stressed out;
You’re not stupid if you forget something;
You’re not a loser if you don’t advance in your career or if you accept less money than the average.

When you are a mother…

You have to think about so many things, most people don’t even have an idea;
You can’t do or be everything you want;
You can’t be everywhere you like;
You can’t do all the things you would like to do;

One day society will understand that a mother fights every day on the workplace, to show she can still be a valuable asset, despite all the “flaws” mentioned above.

One day society will realise that and will stop bitching about it.

